Public Relations
Head of Public Relations:
- Collecting all the information in regard with the University’s scientific, research, cultural and development activities
- Preparing news stories
- Preparing University’s news journal
- Preparing Special Issues and performance reviews
- Releasing University’s news through mass media
- Arranging for interviews to be done by IRIB and press with authorities, professors and elites on scientific, research, executive and cultural issues
- Managing University’s website and official channel
- Controlling and monitoring news and publishable information in the University’s website
- Undertaking general announcements through University’s website and official channel
- Preparing videos and photos of research and educational meetings, seminars and workshops
- Preparing news CDs
- Preparing banners, stands and posters
- Reporting University’s achievements and developments to special and general audience
- Establishing relations with other similar organizations and universities
- Investigating press and media
- Responding to complaints
Holding events
- Planning and making necessary decisions in order to hold various events including farewell and introductions, Q&A meetings, head of University’s meetings with different academics
- Managing University’s conference halls
Publicity and Logistics
- Holding special exhibitions in order to introduce University’s scientific, research and development activities
- Publicizing all the affairs in seminars, conferences and related activities
- Cooperating in holding national and international seminars
- Creating a proper atmosphere to celebrate different national and religious ceremonies
- Handling the logistics and inviting important figures to the University
- Preparing promotional gifts
Opinion poll
- Analyzing public opinion on University’s performance in and outside the institution
- Evaluating, analyzing and reporting relevant issues to head of the University