Today : Saturday 22 Feb 2025
Network services
  • Managing network users- Active directory
  • Managing network users access- Domain policy
  • Managing users and bandwidth
  • Website
  • Teachers' portal
  • Students' portal
  • Wireless network
  • Antivirus
  • File sharing
  • Email
  • FTP
Managing network users- Active directory
All the students, teachers and staffs of the university are required to have a unique username and password in order to use University's computers and get connected to its network services. Network users are managed through an Active Directory in a Local Domain. Students' username and password are created at the beginning of each year however teachers and staffs must submit a written request to have a username. All University systems are linked to the Domain and are only accessible for the members of the network.
Managing network users access- Domain policy
Since all users have a Domain username and all University systems are linked to the Domain, management rules are issued through Domain Policy in order to guarantee needed security in the network as well as managing network users' access.
Managing users and bandwidth
Students, teachers and staffs are provided with internet services through Spooler software which has been able to meet majority of the University's needs. Students, teachers and staffs can connect to the network through LAN, Wireless, VPN and Hotspot in this software considering rules and limitations regarding the available bandwidth.
In Qom University of Technology's website ( all the administrative units, faculties and departments have specific sub portals. Content management is done in these respective units and uploaded by the informatics executives.
Teachers' portal
All faculty members can have a bilingual portal (Persian-English) in the University's homepage. Content is managed by the teachers and are accessible through a specific URL on the internet. (
Students' portal
Students can also use University's internet services through their portal. This is students' portal URL ( In order to access this part, students must enter their student ID number and password.
Wireless network
In order to assist users who own personal computers with WiFi to get connected to the internet, wireless network has been available all over the University as well as dormitories since 1389.
All systems are equipped with an authentic Antivirus that is constantly checked and controlled by the main server. All the University's systems are now equipped with Kasper antivirus.
File sharing
In order to prevent new software from being downloaded and to save internet bandwidth, the newest software are downloaded or bought and put on a central server. All users can easily connect to the server and use software through sharing.
All users also have their personal home directory to save their important data on sharing server of the University.
University's email with the suffix is only for faculty members, administrative staffs and graduate students. This service is available for its users through an internet address.