امروز : جمعه سوم اسفند 1403
اعضای هیئت علمی

اعضای هیئت علمی

Mohammad Reza Marjani

سه شنبه یکم بهمن 1392 ساعت 10:0 ق ظ - توسط : مرجانی

Dr. Mohammad Reza Marjani

Scientific Position: Assistant Professor

 Email: marjani@qut.ac.ir

Phone: +98 251 6641601 – 162

 Educational Records:

Ph.D.:Industrial Engineering, AmirKabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2011.
M.Sc.: Industrial Engineering, TarbiatModares University, Tehran, Iran, 2006.
B.Sc.: Industrial Engineering, AmirKabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2004.

 Research Interests:

  • Supply Chain Management
  • Crossdocks and Distribution Centers
  • Forward/ Reverse Logistics Planning
  • Supply Chain Dynamics and The Bullwhip Effect
  • Transportation Planning and Vehicle Routing
  • Applied Operations Research
  • Meta-Heuristics
  • Simulation


Marjani MR, MoattarHusseini SM, Karimi B. (2011) Bi-objective heuristics for multi-item freights distribution planning problem in crossdocking networks, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.
Marjani MR, MoattarHusseini SM, Karimi B. (2011) A variable neighborhood search algorithm for the heterogeneous fleet vehicle routing problem for crossdocking in the supply chain, 14th International business research conference, Dubai, UAE.
Sanei O, Nasiri V, Marjani MR, MoattarHusseini SM. (2011) A heuristic algorithm for the warehouse space assignment problem considering operational constraints: with application in a case study. 2nd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Sanei O, Nasiri V, Marjani MR, MoattarHusseini SM. (2011) Modeling the warehouse space assignment problem with operational constraints. 1st International Logistics and Supply Chain Conference, Tehran, Iran.
Marjani MR, FatemiGhomi, SMT, (2009) An innovative fuzzy time series model for forecasting, Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, UK, pp:557-564.

 Undergraduate Courses:

Production Planning and Inventory Control

Facilities Planning

Transportation Planning

Computer Simulation

Operations Research

Engineering Statistics

Work Measurement Methods

 Co-operation with Industry:

Participation in the development of SAIPA new logistics organization
cooperation on some projects of Iranian research organization for science and technology
Managing some research projects for Iran technology analysts network