امروز : جمعه سوم اسفند 1403
شنبه بیست و سوم آذر 1392 ساعت 9:51 ق ظ - توسط : احسان نجفی

Ehsan Najafi     

General  information

Born 1979,

Married ,



PhD in Electrical Engineering- Power Electronics             November 2011

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia

  • Thesis title :“  Static Compensator Multilevel Inverter for SAG mitigation”

M.S.  in Electrical Engineering- Power                                                  January 2004       Iran University of  Science & Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran                            (CGPA: 15.46/20)

  • Thesis Title:  “Design and Simulation of a Single Phase Battery Charger with PFC for electric vehicle”

Seminar title:  “new methods of battery charging in electrical and hybrid vehicles ”

B.S. in Electronic Engineering                                   September 2001                           University of Tehran ,Tehran, Iran                                                         (CGPA: 16.1/20)

  • Project Title: “Design and implementation of a Data transceiver Using FM modulator in 50 MHz”

Awards and Honors

  • Silver medal in 12th industrial art & technology exhibition (INATEX2010),2010
  • Silver medal in 22nd international invention, inovation and technology exhibition (ITEX2011),2011
  • Scholarship during PhD studis from Malaysia.
  • Best student award for PhD in 48th convocation ceremony from UTM
  • Pro chancellor award for PhD in 48th convocation ceremony from UTM
  • Best research candidate in electric power department of Qom university of technology, 2014

Professional Experience

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)                                                                 2012- 2013

  • Post doc fellowship.

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)                                       December 2011- Feb 2012

  • Visiting lecturer.

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)                                                 July 2010- Nov 2010

  • Teaching Assistance in instrumentation lab.

SADRA institude of higher education                                            Sep  2005- Jun 2006

  •  Part time lecturer for two semesters

OIEC Group   ( EPC contractor for oil and gas projects )                 Jan 2006- Jan 2009

Senior engineer

  • Design of desalination package electrical parts in oil-related projects.
  • Procurement of electrical equipment for south pars 9&10.
  • Contract affair engineer related to Electrical equipment installation and invoice.

MOSHANIR   (Consultant for electric power networks in Iran)       April 2004-Nov 2005

Consulting engineer

  • I worked in the descipline of Research and investigation of low voltage networks. I was in charge of Measuring power quality parameters and preparing power quality reports for investigating electrical networks.

Shahed university (in front of Emam shrine)                                      Jun 2002- Mar 2003

  • Shahed university electrical supervisor for all electrical installation affairs such as switchgears and cable instalations.

Power Electronics Laboratrory, IUST                                       Sep. 2001- Apr 2002

Design engineer

  • Solar cells energy conversion using power electronics as a MPPT



EDA Tools: Matlab, Simulink, P-Spice, OrCAD, AutoCAD, Protel, PLC

Operating Systems: Windows

Application Software: MS Office, Photoshop, MS Visio


  • English, Fluent (Toefl score: 597, Oct. 2006)


  • Najafi, E. , A. Vahedi "An Innovative Modeling Algorithm for Investigating PFC Performance", 39th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC) , Bristol, UK, Page(s): 283 – 288, September 2004.
  • Najafi, E., A. Vahedi "A new method for eliminating instability problems in current mode DC-DC converters" , Proceedings of Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), April2004.
  • Najafi, E., A.H.M Yatim, A.S. Samosir,2008,” A New Topology -Reversing Voltage (RV) - for Multi Level Inverters” ,IEEE second power and energy conference ,PECON 2008, Page(s):604 - 608
  • Najafi, E., A.Vahedi, A.Mahanfar, A.H.M Yatim,2008, ” A New Controlling Method Based on Peak Current Mode (PCM) for  PFC ”, IEEE second power and energy conference ,PECON 2008, Page(s):1103 - 1107
  • Najafi, E., A.H.M Yatim,” A New Topology -Reversing Voltage- for Multi Level Inverters and its SPWM design”,  international conference electrical energy & industrial electronic systems, EEIES2009, Page(s):589-593
  • Najafi, E., Yatim, A.H.M , "A D-STATCOM based on Goertzel algorithm for sag detection and a novel current mode controller," the 5th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), 2010 , Page(s):1006-1011, 15-17 June 2010
  • Najafi, E., Yatim, A.H.M, “A new topology named Reversing Voltage (RV) for multilevel inverters”, malaysian patent : PI 2010 002240, May 2010
  • Najafi, E. , Yatim, A.H.M, “A new sag detection method using Goertzel algorithm” 3rd International Graduate Conference on Engineering,Science and Humanities (IGCESH),2010
  • Najafi, E. Yatim, A. H. M., “A novel current mode controller for a static compensator utilizing Goertzel algorithm to mitigate voltage sags”.Journal of Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.52, Issue 4, Page(s):1999-2008, Jan2011
  • Najafi, E. Yatim, A. H. M.,” Design And Application Of A Novel Current Mode Controller On A Multilevel STATCOM” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Colloquium, iapec2011, Page(s):176-179
  • Najafi, E. Yatim, A. H. M,” Design and implementation of a new multilevel Inverter topology, IEEE transaction on industrial electronics, Vol. 59, No. 11, Page(s) 4148-4154, Nov2012
  • Najafi, E. Yatim, A. H. M,” MULTILEVEL INVERTER TOPOLOGIES”, Recent Advances In Power Inverter, book chapter,ISBN: 978-983-52-0647-4,  2008.
  • Beigi, L.M.A.; Azli, N.A. ;Khosravi, F. ;Najafi, E. ;Kaykhosravi, A.," A new multilevel inverter topology with reduced number of power switches", IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon), Page(s): 55       - 59, 2012
  •  Kaykhosravi, A. ;Azli, N.A. ;Khosravi, F. ;Najafi, E., " The application of a Quasi Z-source AC-AC converter in voltage sag mitigation", IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon), Page(s): 548 - 552, 2012.Najafi, E., "Application of multilevel STATCOM for reducing power loss in
  • transmission lines", 3rd international conference on emerging trends in energy conversion 2014, page(s):111-119,2014

  • E Najafi, AH Mohamed Yatim, AS Samosir, "Design and Implementation of a Dynamic Evolution Controller for Single-phase Inverters with Large Load Changes", Electric Power Components and Systems,2014, 42 (10), 995-1003