امروز : جمعه سوم اسفند 1403
اعضای هیئت علمی

اعضای هیئت علمی

Abdol Reza Rasouli Konari

شنبه بیست و سوم آذر 1392 ساعت 10:56 ق ظ - توسط : رسولی

Abdolreza Rasouli Kenari



BSc                  Mathematic                                        14.5                   Isfahan University     1998-2003

MSc                 Computer Engineering – Software  17.03                 IAU                              2003-2006

PhD                 Computer Engineering – Software  A                      UTM                            2008-2011


MSc     Data Mining with Web Services Using Web Semantic Algorithms

PhD     ‫‪Online Consecutive Secure Multi Party Computation Algorithm For Privacy Preserving Data Mining                                                                                                                                                                


IAU                  MSc     Kerman State             2010                  Science & Research, Kerman, Baft, Sirjan, …

Taali                MSc     Qom                            2012                  Information Technology

Bahonar         BSc      Kerman                      2011                  Computer Science

QUT                 BSc      Qom                            2012                  Computer Science Software & Hardware

UTM                BSc      Malaysia                     2010                  Computer Science

IAU                  BSc      Kerman State             2005                  Bardsir, Kerman, Baft, Sirjan, …

IAU                  BSc      Isfahan State              2003                  Najafabad, Dolatabad, Shahreza, Naeen, …

PNU                 BSc      Kerman State             2005                  Bardsir, Sirjan, …

ETVTO                        IT        Isfahan State              2003                 


QUT                 Head of Graduate Studies                            2012

QUT                 Assistant Professor                                       2012 till now

UTM                Teaching Assistant

UTM                Iranian Student Society - Founder Board and Representative

IAU                  Assistant Professor                                       2003 - 2010

IAU                  Head of Computer Science Software          2008     

IAU                  Top Researcher in District 7 of IAU

ETVTO                        Computer Lecturer – Isfahan

ETVTO                        Referee of National Olympiad Skills           

ETVTO                        Vice President of Research of IT


Distributed Data Security

Secure Multi Party Computation

Data Mining and Decision Support Systems

Forecasting of Data and Processes Based on Data Mining, AI and Neural Network

Computer Simulation

Cryptography, …




-                   RASOULI, A., MAAROF, M. A. B. & SHAMSI, M. 2010. Secure Multi Party Computation Algorithm Based on Infinite Product Series. WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, 7.

-                   RASOULI, A., MAAROF, M. A. B. & SHAMSI, M. 2010. Simultaneous Total Calculation of Distributed Data Using Mathematical Product Series Journal of Universal Computer Science (ISI), in Press.

-                   KHATIBI, V., KHATIBI, E. & RASOULI, A. 2011. A New Support Vector Machine Genetic Algorithm (SVM-GA) Based Method for Stock Market Forecasting. International Journal of the Physical Sciences (ISI), 6, 6091-6097.

-                   SHAMSI, M., RASOULI, A. & SHADRAVAN, S. 2009. A New Character Segmentation in Persian/Arabic Printed Text Using Baseline Approach. Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering, 3, 41-52.

-                   SHAMSI, M., RASOULI, A., SHADRAVAN, S. & KOROPI, F. 2010. A New Algorithm for Creating Digital Certificate’s Private Key from Iris. Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering, 4.

-                   SHAMSI, M., SAAD, P. B. & RASOULI, A. 2008. Iris Segmentation and Normalization Approach. Journal of Information Technology (Universitit Technologi Malaysia), 19.

-                   SHAMSI, M., SAAD, P. B., RASOULI, A. & SHADRAVAN, S. 2009. An Advanced Method for Iris Segmentation and Normalization. International Journal of Web Applications, In Press.

-                   SHAMSI, M., SAAD, P. B., SUBARIAH, I. B. & RASOULI, A. 2010. An Ellipse Integro Differential Iris Segmentation Operator and Trapezium Normalization Method Journal of Universal Computer Science (ISI), in Press.

-                   SHAMSI, M., SAAD, P. B., SUBARIAH, I. B. & RASOULI, A. 2010. A New Accurate Technique for Iris Boundary Detection. WSEAS Transactions on Computers, 9.

Book Sections

-                   RASOULI, A., MAAROF, M. A. B. & SHAMSI, M. 2010. Multi Party Computation Using Infinite Product Series Over Distributed Data. In: MASTORAKIS, N. (ed.) Numerical Scheme and Methods in Science and Engineering. Springer Science.

-                   RASOULI, A., MAAROF, M. A. B. & SHAMSI, M. 2010. Multi Party Computation using Infinite Product Series over Distributed Data. In: NIKOS E. MASTORAKIS, M. D., VALERI M. MLADENOV (ed.) COMPUTERS and SIMULATION in MODERN SCIENCE. WSEAS Press.

-                   SHAMSI, M., SAAD, P. B., IBRAHIM, S. B. & RASOULI, A. 2010. An Ellipse Framework for Precise Iris Edge Detection. In: NIKOS E. MASTORAKIS, M. D., VALERI M. MLADENOV (ed.) COMPUTERS and SIMULATION in MODERN SCIENCE. WSEAS Press.

-                   SHAMSI, M., SAAD, P. B., SUBARIAH, I. B. & RASOULI, A. 2010. An Ellipse Framework for Precise Iris Edge Detection. In: MASTORAKIS, N. (ed.) Numerical Scheme and Methods in Science and Engineering. Springer Science.


-                   RASOULI, A., HOSSEINKHANI, J., SHAMSI, M. & HAROUNI, M. 2010. A Robust and High Speed E-Voting Algorithm Using ElGammel CryptoSystem. The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ISI Indexed). Singapore: IEEE.

-                   RASOULI, A., MAAROF, M. A. B. & SHAMSI, M. 2009. A New Clustering Method Based on Weighted Kernel K-Means for Non-linear Data. International Conference of Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition, SoCPaR09. Melaka, Malaysia: IEEE.

-                   RASOULI, A., MAAROF, M. A. B. & SHAMSI, M. 2010. A New Multi Party Aggregation Algorithm Using Infinite Product Series. The 9th WSEAS International Conference on Applications of Computer Engineering (ACE'10) - (ISI, Elselvier Indexed). Penang, Malaysia: WSEAS.

-                   RASOULI, A., MAAROF, M. A. B., SHAMSI, M. & SAP, M. N. M. 2009. An Intelligent Weighted Kernel K-Means Algorithm for High Dimension Data. Second International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT 2009) - (ISI Indexed). London, Britain: IEEE.

-                   RASOULI, A., NASER, N. & SHAMSI, M. 2007. Islam and IT, Chances and Menaces. International Conference on Isfahan rule in development of Islamic Science, Culture and Civilization. Iran.

-                   RASOULI, A. & SHAMSI, M. 2006. An Implementation of Decision Support Systems (DSS) by web service for small e-business. 2th National Conference on Computer Mashhad, Iran.

-                   RASOULI, A., SHAMSI, M. & SAP, M. N. M. 2009. Cryptographic Technique for Association Rule Mining in Multi Party Databases. Postgraduate Annual Research Seminar, UTM. Johor, Malaysia: Microsoft.

-                   RASOULI, A., SHAMSI, M. & SAP, M. N. M. 2010. Secure Aggregation Algorithm Based on Infinite Series. Postgraduate Annual Research Seminar, UTM. Johor, Malaysia: Microsoft.

-                   RASOULI, A., SHAMSI, M. & ZAMANI, M. 2006. An improvement in LSB Audio Stegneography. 2006 Student Conference on Electrical Engineering. Naein, Iran.

-                   Rasouli, A., Shamsi, M. 2011. Online Secret Sharing Using Infinite Convergent Sequences. International Conference on Computer and Software Modeling IPCSIT vol.14, IACSIT Press, Singapore. (ISI Indexed)

-                   Shamsi, M., Rasouli, A., 2011.An Innovative Trapezium Normalization for Iris Recognition Systems. International Conference on Computer and Software Modeling IPCSIT vol.14, IACSIT Press, Singapore. (ISI Indexed)

-                   SHAMSI, M. & RASOULI, A. 2006. Persian Character Segmentation by Baseline Method. 9th Iranian Student Conference on Electrical Engineering.

-                   SHAMSI, M. & RASOULI, A. 2009. A Novel Approach for Iris Segmentation and Normalization. Second International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT 2009) - (ISI Indexed). London, Britain: IEEE.

-                   SHAMSI, M. & RASOULI, A. 2012. Iris Boundary Detection Using An Ellipse Integro Differential Method. 2nd International eConference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering Mashhad, IRAN: IEEE.

-                   SHAMSI, M., SAAD, P. B., IBRAHIM, S. B. & RASOULI, A. 2009. Fast Algorithm for Iris Localization Using Daugman Circular Integro Differential Operator. International Conference of Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition, SoCPaR09. Melaka, Malaysia: IEEE.

-                   SHAMSI, M., SAAD, P. B., IBRAHIM, S. B. & RASOULI, A. 2010. Iris Boundary Detection. The Sixth IASTED International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Engineering (Accepted. Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.

-                   SHAMSI, M., SAAD, P. B., IBRAHIM, S. B. & RASOULI, A. 2010. Iris Boundary Detection Using A Novel Algorithm. The 9th WSEAS International Conference on Applications of Computer Engineering (ACE'10) - (ISI, Elselvier Indexed). Penang, Malaysia: WSEAS.

-                   SHAMSI, M., SAAD, P. B., IBRAHIM, S. B. & RASOULI, A. 2010. Iris Segmentation and Normalization. Postgraduate Annual Research Seminar, UTM. Johor, Malaysia: Microsoft.

-                   SHAMSI, M., SAAD, P. B. & RASOULI, A. 2008. Iris Image Localization using Binning Approach. 2008 Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD 2008). Johor, Malaysia: IEEE.

-                   SHAMSI, M., SAAD, P. B. & RASOULI, A. 2009. Creation of a Unique Private Crypto Key from Iris Image. Postgraduate Annual Research Seminar, UTM. Johor, Malaysia: Microsoft.

-                   HAROUNI, M., MOHAMAD, D. & RASOULI, A. 2010. Deductive Method for Recognition of On-Line Handwritten Persian/Arabic Characters. The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ISI Indexed). Singapore: IEEE.



IAU      Grant                                                  Character Segmentation in Persian/Arabic Text by Baseline Method

IAU      Grant                                                  Private Key Generation for Iris Image

IAU      Grant                                                  Investigating of Maximum Computability of Factorial Function in N-Bit

IAU      Grant                                                  Design of Secure E-Voting Protocol base on ElGamal Encryption

UTM    Grant Vote# 79094        Development of Intelligent Tool for Rice yield Prediction                                                                                        

UTM    Grant Vote# 79405        Development of Web Content Filtering System Based on Image Understanding Algorithm                                                                                          

UTM    Grant Vote# 79210        The integration of textural Image Analysis for Intelligent Web Content Filtering Technique                                                                                          

UTM    Grant Vote# 79134        Intelligent Poultry Disease Detection Based on Self Organizing Map                                                                                        

UTM    Grant Vote# 79307        Iris Biometric for Identity Document



Persian (Mother Tongue)



شنبه بیست و سوم آذر 1392 ساعت 10:56 ق ظ - توسط : رسولی

Abdolreza Rasouli Kenari



BSc                  Mathematic                                        14.5                   Isfahan University     1998-2003

MSc                 Computer Engineering – Software  17.03                 IAU                              2003-2006

PhD                 Computer Engineering – Software  A                      UTM                            2008-2011


MSc     Data Mining with Web Services Using Web Semantic Algorithms

PhD     ‫‪Online Consecutive Secure Multi Party Computation Algorithm For Privacy Preserving Data Mining                                                                                                                                                                


IAU                  MSc     Kerman State             2010                  Science & Research, Kerman, Baft, Sirjan, …

Taali                MSc     Qom                            2012                  Information Technology

Bahonar         BSc      Kerman                      2011                  Computer Science

QUT                 BSc      Qom                            2012                  Computer Science Software & Hardware

UTM                BSc      Malaysia                     2010                  Computer Science

IAU                  BSc      Kerman State             2005                  Bardsir, Kerman, Baft, Sirjan, …

IAU                  BSc      Isfahan State              2003                  Najafabad, Dolatabad, Shahreza, Naeen, …

PNU                 BSc      Kerman State             2005                  Bardsir, Sirjan, …

ETVTO                        IT        Isfahan State              2003                 


QUT                 Head of Graduate Studies                            2012

QUT                 Assistant Professor                                       2012 till now

UTM                Teaching Assistant

UTM                Iranian Student Society - Founder Board and Representative

IAU                  Assistant Professor                                       2003 - 2010

IAU                  Head of Computer Science Software          2008     

IAU                  Top Researcher in District 7 of IAU

ETVTO                        Computer Lecturer – Isfahan

ETVTO                        Referee of National Olympiad Skills           

ETVTO                        Vice President of Research of IT


Distributed Data Security

Secure Multi Party Computation

Data Mining and Decision Support Systems

Forecasting of Data and Processes Based on Data Mining, AI and Neural Network

Computer Simulation

Cryptography, …




-                   RASOULI, A., MAAROF, M. A. B. & SHAMSI, M. 2010. Secure Multi Party Computation Algorithm Based on Infinite Product Series. WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, 7.

-                   RASOULI, A., MAAROF, M. A. B. & SHAMSI, M. 2010. Simultaneous Total Calculation of Distributed Data Using Mathematical Product Series Journal of Universal Computer Science (ISI), in Press.

-                   KHATIBI, V., KHATIBI, E. & RASOULI, A. 2011. A New Support Vector Machine Genetic Algorithm (SVM-GA) Based Method for Stock Market Forecasting. International Journal of the Physical Sciences (ISI), 6, 6091-6097.

-                   SHAMSI, M., RASOULI, A. & SHADRAVAN, S. 2009. A New Character Segmentation in Persian/Arabic Printed Text Using Baseline Approach. Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering, 3, 41-52.

-                   SHAMSI, M., RASOULI, A., SHADRAVAN, S. & KOROPI, F. 2010. A New Algorithm for Creating Digital Certificate’s Private Key from Iris. Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering, 4.

-                   SHAMSI, M., SAAD, P. B. & RASOULI, A. 2008. Iris Segmentation and Normalization Approach. Journal of Information Technology (Universitit Technologi Malaysia), 19.

-                   SHAMSI, M., SAAD, P. B., RASOULI, A. & SHADRAVAN, S. 2009. An Advanced Method for Iris Segmentation and Normalization. International Journal of Web Applications, In Press.

-                   SHAMSI, M., SAAD, P. B., SUBARIAH, I. B. & RASOULI, A. 2010. An Ellipse Integro Differential Iris Segmentation Operator and Trapezium Normalization Method Journal of Universal Computer Science (ISI), in Press.

-                   SHAMSI, M., SAAD, P. B., SUBARIAH, I. B. & RASOULI, A. 2010. A New Accurate Technique for Iris Boundary Detection. WSEAS Transactions on Computers, 9.

Book Sections

-                   RASOULI, A., MAAROF, M. A. B. & SHAMSI, M. 2010. Multi Party Computation Using Infinite Product Series Over Distributed Data. In: MASTORAKIS, N. (ed.) Numerical Scheme and Methods in Science and Engineering. Springer Science.

-                   RASOULI, A., MAAROF, M. A. B. & SHAMSI, M. 2010. Multi Party Computation using Infinite Product Series over Distributed Data. In: NIKOS E. MASTORAKIS, M. D., VALERI M. MLADENOV (ed.) COMPUTERS and SIMULATION in MODERN SCIENCE. WSEAS Press.

-                   SHAMSI, M., SAAD, P. B., IBRAHIM, S. B. & RASOULI, A. 2010. An Ellipse Framework for Precise Iris Edge Detection. In: NIKOS E. MASTORAKIS, M. D., VALERI M. MLADENOV (ed.) COMPUTERS and SIMULATION in MODERN SCIENCE. WSEAS Press.

-                   SHAMSI, M., SAAD, P. B., SUBARIAH, I. B. & RASOULI, A. 2010. An Ellipse Framework for Precise Iris Edge Detection. In: MASTORAKIS, N. (ed.) Numerical Scheme and Methods in Science and Engineering. Springer Science.


-                   RASOULI, A., HOSSEINKHANI, J., SHAMSI, M. & HAROUNI, M. 2010. A Robust and High Speed E-Voting Algorithm Using ElGammel CryptoSystem. The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ISI Indexed). Singapore: IEEE.

-                   RASOULI, A., MAAROF, M. A. B. & SHAMSI, M. 2009. A New Clustering Method Based on Weighted Kernel K-Means for Non-linear Data. International Conference of Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition, SoCPaR09. Melaka, Malaysia: IEEE.

-                   RASOULI, A., MAAROF, M. A. B. & SHAMSI, M. 2010. A New Multi Party Aggregation Algorithm Using Infinite Product Series. The 9th WSEAS International Conference on Applications of Computer Engineering (ACE'10) - (ISI, Elselvier Indexed). Penang, Malaysia: WSEAS.

-                   RASOULI, A., MAAROF, M. A. B., SHAMSI, M. & SAP, M. N. M. 2009. An Intelligent Weighted Kernel K-Means Algorithm for High Dimension Data. Second International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT 2009) - (ISI Indexed). London, Britain: IEEE.

-                   RASOULI, A., NASER, N. & SHAMSI, M. 2007. Islam and IT, Chances and Menaces. International Conference on Isfahan rule in development of Islamic Science, Culture and Civilization. Iran.

-                   RASOULI, A. & SHAMSI, M. 2006. An Implementation of Decision Support Systems (DSS) by web service for small e-business. 2th National Conference on Computer Mashhad, Iran.

-                   RASOULI, A., SHAMSI, M. & SAP, M. N. M. 2009. Cryptographic Technique for Association Rule Mining in Multi Party Databases. Postgraduate Annual Research Seminar, UTM. Johor, Malaysia: Microsoft.

-                   RASOULI, A., SHAMSI, M. & SAP, M. N. M. 2010. Secure Aggregation Algorithm Based on Infinite Series. Postgraduate Annual Research Seminar, UTM. Johor, Malaysia: Microsoft.

-                   RASOULI, A., SHAMSI, M. & ZAMANI, M. 2006. An improvement in LSB Audio Stegneography. 2006 Student Conference on Electrical Engineering. Naein, Iran.

-                   Rasouli, A., Shamsi, M. 2011. Online Secret Sharing Using Infinite Convergent Sequences. International Conference on Computer and Software Modeling IPCSIT vol.14, IACSIT Press, Singapore. (ISI Indexed)

-                   Shamsi, M., Rasouli, A., 2011.An Innovative Trapezium Normalization for Iris Recognition Systems. International Conference on Computer and Software Modeling IPCSIT vol.14, IACSIT Press, Singapore. (ISI Indexed)

-                   SHAMSI, M. & RASOULI, A. 2006. Persian Character Segmentation by Baseline Method. 9th Iranian Student Conference on Electrical Engineering.

-                   SHAMSI, M. & RASOULI, A. 2009. A Novel Approach for Iris Segmentation and Normalization. Second International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT 2009) - (ISI Indexed). London, Britain: IEEE.

-                   SHAMSI, M. & RASOULI, A. 2012. Iris Boundary Detection Using An Ellipse Integro Differential Method. 2nd International eConference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering Mashhad, IRAN: IEEE.

-                   SHAMSI, M., SAAD, P. B., IBRAHIM, S. B. & RASOULI, A. 2009. Fast Algorithm for Iris Localization Using Daugman Circular Integro Differential Operator. International Conference of Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition, SoCPaR09. Melaka, Malaysia: IEEE.

-                   SHAMSI, M., SAAD, P. B., IBRAHIM, S. B. & RASOULI, A. 2010. Iris Boundary Detection. The Sixth IASTED International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Engineering (Accepted. Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.

-                   SHAMSI, M., SAAD, P. B., IBRAHIM, S. B. & RASOULI, A. 2010. Iris Boundary Detection Using A Novel Algorithm. The 9th WSEAS International Conference on Applications of Computer Engineering (ACE'10) - (ISI, Elselvier Indexed). Penang, Malaysia: WSEAS.

-                   SHAMSI, M., SAAD, P. B., IBRAHIM, S. B. & RASOULI, A. 2010. Iris Segmentation and Normalization. Postgraduate Annual Research Seminar, UTM. Johor, Malaysia: Microsoft.

-                   SHAMSI, M., SAAD, P. B. & RASOULI, A. 2008. Iris Image Localization using Binning Approach. 2008 Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD 2008). Johor, Malaysia: IEEE.

-                   SHAMSI, M., SAAD, P. B. & RASOULI, A. 2009. Creation of a Unique Private Crypto Key from Iris Image. Postgraduate Annual Research Seminar, UTM. Johor, Malaysia: Microsoft.

-                   HAROUNI, M., MOHAMAD, D. & RASOULI, A. 2010. Deductive Method for Recognition of On-Line Handwritten Persian/Arabic Characters. The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ISI Indexed). Singapore: IEEE.



IAU      Grant                                                  Character Segmentation in Persian/Arabic Text by Baseline Method

IAU      Grant                                                  Private Key Generation for Iris Image

IAU      Grant                                                  Investigating of Maximum Computability of Factorial Function in N-Bit

IAU      Grant                                                  Design of Secure E-Voting Protocol base on ElGamal Encryption

UTM    Grant Vote# 79094        Development of Intelligent Tool for Rice yield Prediction                                                                                        

UTM    Grant Vote# 79405        Development of Web Content Filtering System Based on Image Understanding Algorithm                                                                                          

UTM    Grant Vote# 79210        The integration of textural Image Analysis for Intelligent Web Content Filtering Technique                                                                                          

UTM    Grant Vote# 79134        Intelligent Poultry Disease Detection Based on Self Organizing Map                                                                                        

UTM    Grant Vote# 79307        Iris Biometric for Identity Document



Persian (Mother Tongue)
