امروز : جمعه سوم اسفند 1403
یکشنبه بیست و هشتم آذر 1400 ساعت 3:35 ب ظ - توسط : مدیر پرتال

دکتر پيمان اخوان
رشته : مهندسي صنايع
گروه : مهندسي صنايع
مدرک: دکتراي مهندسي صنايع از دانشگاه علم و صنعت
دانشکده: فني مهندسي -  صنايع
مرتبه علمي: استاد تمام
Scopus Author ID: 12766106000‎
ORCID:     0000-0001-6256-3288‎
ResearcherID:        G-9562-2014‎
زمينه فعاليت: مديريت دانش، مديريت فناوري و نوآوري، بلاکچين، کريپتوکارنسي، گيميفيکيشن، اينترنت اشيا، کارآفريني و خلاقيت، تجارت الکترونيک، مهندسي ارزش، مديريت عمليات خدماتي، بازاريابي، مديريت و سازماندهی
  • کسب عنوان " محقق برتر" در سالهاي 1393 و 1390
  • کسب عنوان "مولف برتر " در سال 1397  (بابت کتاب استخراج دانش فني  کارکنان)
  • کسب عنوان "مدرس برتر" در سالهاي 1392 و 1393
  • کسب عنوان "مولف برتر " در سال 1395 (بابت کتاب اکتساب دانش ضمني خبرگان)
  • کسب عنوان "مدرس برتر" در گروه سيستم و بهره وري دانشکده صنايع، آموزش مجازي، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ، 1392
  • کسب عنوان "عضو هيات علمي برتر" در سال 1388
  • احراز شرايط نخبگي از "بنياد ملي نخبگان رياست جمهوري" و دريافت اعتبار ويژه پژوهشي، 1387
  • فارغ التحصيل ممتاز رتبه اول در مقاطع ارشد و دكتراي مهندسي صنايع، دانشگاه علم و صنعت،1382 و 1386
  • چاپ بيش از 20 کتاب و 250 مقاله در کنفرانسها و ژورنالهاي علمي پژوهشي داخلي و خارجي
ليست كتب منتشره:
  1. مديريت دانش، استخراج دانش فني کارکنان با رويکرد عملياتي، انتشارات دانشگاه صنعتي مالک اشتر،  1396
  2. ارزهاي ديجيتال؛ بيت کوين، بلاکچين و مفاهيم پايه، انتشارات آتي نگر، 1396 (اولين کتاب تاليفي کشور در اين حوزه)
  3. بلاکچين، از بيت کوين تا دنياي صنعت، اخوان، پيمان و مريم دهقاني، انتشارات آتي نگر، 1398 (اولين کتاب تاليفي کشور در اين حوزه)
  4. مديريت دانش در سازمانهاي خدماتي، اخوان، پيمان و ليلا عباسي، انتشارات دانشگاه صنعتي مالک اشتر، 1397.
  5. مديريت دانش، از ايده تا عمل، انتشارات آتي نگر، بهار 1389 (چاپ هشتم- پر فروشترين کتاب مديريت دانش کشور).
  6. گامهاي عملياتي مديريت دانش، نقشه هاي دانش، انتشارات آتي نگر، 1391. (چاپ دوم)
  7. عوامل کليدي موفقيت مديريت دانش، انتشارات آتي نگر، 1389 (چاپ چهارم)
  8. مديريت دانش، کنکاشي در عوامل شکست، انتشارات دانشگاه صنعتي مالک اشتر، 1394
  9. مديريت دانش، اکتساب دانش ضمني خبرگان،  انتشارات دانشگاه صنعتي مالک اشتر، 1394 (برنده دو جايزه ملي)
  10. مديريت دانش، رويكردي نوين در مديريت پروژه،‌ انتشارات جهاد دانشگاهي، 1395
  11. مديريت دانش، اشتراك دانش در عمل، ‌انتشارات جهاد دانشگاهي، 1395
  12. مديريت دانش، بستر موفقيت در سازمانها، انتشارات نشر هوشمند، 1395
  13. كسب و كار، فناوري و مديريت دانش در آسيا، انتشارات مركز تحقيقات و نوآوري اتكا، 1394
  14. مديريت دانش، مروري جامع بر ابزارها و تکنيکها، انتشارات رسا، زمستان 1390
  15. فناوري اطلاعات در مديريت دانش ، انتشارات ناقوس، بهار 1389.
  16. كارآفريني موفق (مهارتهاي ايجاد يك شركت سودآور)، انتشارات توليد دانش، زمستان  1383.
  17. کارآفريني، از ايده تا عمل، انتشارات مدير، 1392
  18. استارت آپ: پيدايش و پرورش، انتشارات مديريت دانش، 1398
  19. نقدي بر سند الگوي اسلامي ايراني پيشرفت، انتشارات مديريت دانش، 1399.
  20. اخوان، پيمان، موحد نيا، عليرضا و علي دارابي، بايننس: صرافي ارزهاي ديجيتال، انتشارات مديريت دانش، 1400
  21. اخوان، پيمان، ترابي، حسن، و اکير رحيمي، درآمدي بر بلاکچين، انتشارات مديريت دانش، 1400

برخي مقالات علمي-پژوهشي ارائه شده:

  1. Akhavan, Peyman, Jafari, Mostafa, and Mohammad Fathian (2006), Critical Success Factors of Knowledge Management Systems: a Multi-Case Analysis, European Business Review, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 97-113.
  2. Jafari, Mostafa and Peyman Akhavan (2007), Essential Changes for Knowledge Management Establishment in a Country: a Macro Perspective, European Business Review, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 89-110.
  3. Akhavan, Peyman, Mostafa Jafari and Mohammad Fathian (2005), Exploring failure factors of implementing knowledge management systems in organizations, Journal of knowledge management practice, Vol. 6 , May 2005.
  4. Akhavan, Peyman and Mostafa Jafari (2006), Critical Issues for Knowledge Management Implementation at a National Level, Vine: The journal of information and knowledge management systems, Vol. 36, No.1, pp. 52-66.
  5. Akhavan, Peyman, Jafari, Mostafa and Ali R. Ali-Ahmadi (2006), Exploring the interdependency between reengineering and information technology by developing a conceptual model, Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 517-534.
  6. Jafari, Mostafa and Peyman Akhavan (2006), Developing a conceptual model of BPR by considering the employee’s resistance, Applied computing and Informatics, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp.26-42.
  7. Fathaian, Mohammad and Peyman Akhavan (2006), Developing a conceptual model for assessment of intelligence in buildings, Facilities journal, Vol. 24, No. 13/14, pp.523-537.
  8. Jafari, Mostafa, Akhavan, Peyman, Jalal Rezaee Nour, and Mehdi N. Fesharaki (2007), Knowledge management in Iran aerospace industries: a study on critical factors, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal, Vol. 79, No. 4, pp. 375-389.
  9. Jafari, Mostafa, Fathian, Mohammad, Akhavan, Peyman and Mehdi N. Fesharaki (2006), Mapping network warfare techniques to KM, KM review, Vol. 4, No. 9, pp. 28-33, 2006.
  10. Ali-Ahmadi, Ali R., and Peyman Akhavan (2006), On the success of science and technology policies in developed countries, International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 19-28 .
  11. Jafari, Mostafa and Peyman Akhavan (2005), The role of process-orientation in organizational productivity by CPI & BPR approaches, International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp.85-104.
  12. Jafari, Mostafa, Jabal-Ameli, M. Saeid., and Peyman Akhavan (2005), Business Process Reengineering by MBO approach, International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 1-16.
  13. Jafari, Mostafa, Fesharaki, Mehdi, and Peyman Akhavan (2007), Establishing an integrated KM system in Iran aerospace industries organization, Journal of knowledge management, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 127-142.
  14. Akhavan, Peyman and Mehdi Ghazanfari (2005), Exploring BPR as an enabler for enterprise resource planning, Applied Computing and Informatics Journal, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 31-46.
  15. Jafari, Mostafa, Akhavan, Peyman, Fesharaki, Mehdi, and Mohammad Fathian (2007), Iran aerospace industries’ KM approach based on a comparative study: a benchmarking on successful practices, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal, Vol. 79, No. 1, pp. 69–78.
  16. Jafari, Mostafa, Fathian, Mohammad, Akhavan, Peyman and Reza hosnavi (2007), Exploring KM features and learning in Iranian SMEs, Vine: Journal of information and knowledge management systems, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 207-218.
  17. Jafari, Mostafa, Akhavan Peyman, and Jalal Rezaee Nour (2007), An Application of Factor Analysis for Change Resolution: The Preliminaries of Knowledge Management Establishment, The international journal of knowledge, culture and change management, Vol. 7, No. 5, pp. 89-102.
  18. Akhavan, Peyman and Mostaf Jafari (2008), Towards learning in SMEs: an empirical study in Iran, Development and learning in organizations, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 17-19.
  19. Akhavan, Peyman and Mostafa Jafari (2008), Preliminaries towards knowledge based society, a comparative study, International Journal of Electronic Business Management, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 1-9.
  20. Fathian1, Mohammad, Sotoudehriazi, Maryam , Akhavan, Peyman and Ali Amin Moghaddam (2008), How to assess knowledge management: developing a quantitative model, International Journal of Electronic Business Management, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 10-20.
  21. Jafari, Mostafa, Fathian, Mohammad, Jahani, Alireza and Peyman Akhavan (2008), Exploring the contextual dimensions of organization from knowledge management perspective, Vine: The journal of information and knowledge management systems, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 53 – 71.
  22. Akhavan, Peyman, Fathian, Mohammad, and Mostafa Jafari (2007), Exploring the basic elements of successful knowledge management system with presenting a theory through a semantic network, , International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 18, No. 3/4, pp. 31-38.
  23. Akhavan, Peyman and Safanaz Heidari (2008), CKM: Where knowledge and customer meet, KM Review, Vol. 11, No.3, pp. 24-29.
  24. Fathian1, Mohammad, Akhavan, Peyman and Maryam Hoorali (2008), E-readiness assessment of non-profit ICT SMEs in a developing country: The case of Iran, Technovation, Vol. 28, No. 9, pp. 578-590.
  25. Jafari, Mostafa, Akhavan, Peyman, Bourouni, Atieh, and Roozbeh Hesam Amiri (2009), A Framework For The Selection of Knowledge Mapping Techniques, Journal of Knowledge Management Practice, 10, No. 1.
  26. Jafari, Mostafa, Akhavan, Peyman and Ashraf Mortezaei (2009), A review on knowledge management discipline, Journal of Knowledge Management Practice, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp.1-23.
  27. Hassanlou, Khadige, Fathian, Mohammad, Akhavan, Peyman, and Ali Azari (2009), Information technology policy trends in the world, Technology in Society, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 125-132.
  28. Jafari, Mostafa, Akhavan, Peyman, and Elham Nouraniour (2009), Developing an architecture model for enterprise knowledge, an empirical study based on the Zachman framework in Iran, Management Decision, Vol. 47, No. 5, pp. 730-759.
  29. Akhavan, Peyman, Hosnavi, R., and Sanjaghi, M. (2009), Identification of knowledge management critical success factors in Iranian academic research centers, Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 276-288.
  30. Akhavan, Peyman, Hosnavi, R., and Sanjaghi, M. (2009), Towards knowledge management: an exploratory study for developing a KM framework in Iran, International journal of industrial engineering and production research, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 113-120.
  31. Jafari, Mostafa, Rezaeenour, Jalal and Peyman Akhavan (2009), Identifying Progressive Route of Organizational Knowledge Creation Theory, World Applied Sciences Journal, Vol. 7, No.10, pp. 1287-1294.
  32. Jafari,Mostafa, Rezaeenour, Jalal, Akhavan, Peyman and Mehdi N. Fesharaki (2010), Strategic knowledge management in aerospace industries: a case study, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal,  82, No. 1, pp.60-74.
  33. Namvar, Morteza, Fathian, Mohammad, Akhavan, Peyman and Gholamian, Mohammad Reza (2010), Exploring the impacts of intellectual property on intellectual capital and company performance: The case of Iranian computer and electronic organizations, Management Decision, Vol. 48, No. 5, pp. 676-697.
  34. Akhavan, Peyman, Adalati, Mohammad, Sharifi, Sara, and Reza Hosnavi (2010), The challenges of knowledge management portals application and implementation: An Iranian organizations case study, International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 79-93.
  35. Dastranj, Nasrin, Akhavan, Peyman, and Fatemeh Saghafi (2011), Investigating organizational readiness of knowledge management implementation by considering knowledge management effective success factors, Information science & technology, Vol. 26, No.3, pp. 493-517.
  36. Rouhani, Saeid, Fathian, Mohammad, Jafari, Mostafa, and Peyman Akhavan, Solving the problem of flow shop scheduling by neural network approach, Network digital technologies, Vo. 88, No. 4, pp. 172-183.
  37. Akhavan, Peyman and Amir Pezeshkan (2011), Developing a human resource strategy framework: a knowledge oriented approach, Modares human science, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 1-29.
  38. Akhavan, Peyman and Marziyeh Darvishzadeh, A tentative crisis management framework based on schools of Earl knowledge management in the earthquake crisis , Information Science & technology, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 143-170.
  39. Akhavan, Peyman, Oliaei, Elnoosh, Dastranj, Nasrin, and Fatemeh Saghafi (2011), Developing Knowledge management cycle processes based on knowledge management success factors, journal of science and technology policy, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 1-12.
  40. Hafezieh, Najmeh, Akhavan, Peyman, and Farjam Eshraghian (2011), Exploration of process and competitive factors of entrepreneurship in digital space: A multiple case study in Iran, Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues, Vol. 4 No. 4, pp. 267-279
  41. Rouhani, Saeed, Ghazanfari, Mehdi, Jafari, Mostafa, and Peyman Akhavan (2011), Association Rule Approach for Evaluation of Business Intelligence for Enterprise Systems, The IUP Journal of Computer Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 1-19.
  42. Jafari, Mostafa, Akhavan, Peyman, Bourouni, Atieh, and Roozbeh Hesam Amiri (2011), A new management approach to knowledge creating strategic decision making in organizations, Int. Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 291-313.
  43. Mehralian, Gholamhossein, Rasekh, Hamid Reza, Akhavan, Peyman, and Reza Sadeh (2012), The Impact of Intellectual Capital Efficiency on Market Value: An Empirical Study from Iranian Pharmaceutical Companies, Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 195-207.
  44. Akhavan, Peyman, Ghojavand, Somayeh, and Roghayeh Abdali (2012), Knowledge sharing and its impact on knowledge creation, Journal of information and knowledge management, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 101-113.
  45. Jafari, Mostafa, Akhavan, Peyman and Hamid Reza Zarghami (2013), Exploring the Effectiveness of Inventive Principles of TRIZ on Developing researchers’ innovative capabilities: a case study in an innovative Research Center, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management Vol. 2, 5, pp. 747-767.
  46. Eftekhari, Nazanin and Peyman Akhavan (2013), Developing a Comprehensive Methodology for BPR Projects by Employing IT Tools, Business process management journal, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 4-29.
  47. Akhavan, Peyman, Bagherzadeh, Mehdi, and Pejman Shadpour (2012), Analyzing the process of old and obsolete knowledge active forgetting, case study Hasheminejad hospital kidney center, Modarress human science journal, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 1-20.
  48. Jafari, Mostafa, Akhavan, Peyman and Maryam Akhtari (2011), Exploration of knowledge acquisition techniques in tunnel industry: the case of Iran tunnel association, International journal of business and management, Vol. 6, No. 8, pp. 245-255.
  49. Momeni, Afrooz, Fathian, Mohammad, and Peyman Akhavan (2012), Competitive Intelligence and Knowledge Management's Affinities and Relations: Developing a Model, Invertis Journal of Science & Technology, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 1-7.
  50. Mehralian, Gholamhossein, Rasekh, Hamid Reza, Akhavan, Peyman, and Ali Rajabzadeh (2013), Prioritization of intellectual capital indicators in knowledge- based industries: Evidence from pharmaceutical industry, International Journal of Information Management , 33, No. 1, pp. 209-216
  51. Akhavan, Peyman and Amir Pezeshkan (2011), Human resources strategy framework: a knowledge oriented approach, Modaress human resources, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 1-29.
  52. Jafari, Mostafa, Akhavan, Peyman, and J. Rezaeenoor (2009), Critical issues in business process reengineering: an Iranian industry organization, Modares journal of human science, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 23-64
  53. Jafari, Mostafa, Akhavan, Peyman, H. Zarghami, Sabzikaran, E. (2011), Motivation Factors Affecting Effective Communication Management at Knowledge-Based Organizations, Journal of human resource management research, Vol. 3, No. 9, pp. 141-165.
  54. Mehralian, G.H. Rasekh, H. Reza, Akhavan, Peyman, and G.H. Farzandy (2012), An assessment of structural (organizational) capital indicators in knowledge intensive industries: evidence from pharmaceutical industry, Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, Vol. 2, No. 8, pp. 8240-8248.
  55. Zarghami, Hamid, Jafari, Mostafa, and Peyman Akhavan (2011), Exploring the relationship between creativity and motivation for innovation in research organizations: Research center of Intelligent Signal Processing (RCISP) case study, Innovation & creativity in human science journal, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 37-63.
  56. Monavarian, Abbas, Mousakhani, Mohammad, Akhavan, Peyman, and Naser Asgari (2013), Introducing a Model of Human-Social Infrastructure Enabling Knowledge Management Practices, Information technology management journal, Vol. 4, No. 10, pp. 159-178.
  57. Akhavan, Peyman, Shirazi, Hossein, Sabzaligol, Abbas, and Amir Pezeshkan (2013), A Framework for Organizational Knowledge Assessment by Combination of BSC and EFQM: The Beasat Industry Complex case study in Iran, The IUP journal of knowledge management, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 7-18.
  58. Jafari, Mostafa, Akhavan, Peyman, and Mozhdeh Nourizadeh (2013), Classification of Human resources based on measurement of tacit knowledge: an empirical study in Iran, Journal of Management Development, Vol. 32 No. 4, pp. 376-403
  59. Jafari, Mostafa, Akhavan, Peyman, Hosnavi, Reza, Abasaltian, Ali (2013), A Study of the Relationship between Psychological Traits of Individuals with Aspects of Personal Knowledge management, Journal of research in human resources management, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 1-21
  60. Jafari, Mostafa, Akhavan, Peyman, Naienie, H. R., and Nejati, Hamed (2013), Using Interpretive Structural Modeling to Analyze Critical Factors of Knowledge Management in Project-based Business, Industrial management journal, Vol. 7, No. 22, pp. 127-137.
  61. Monavvarian, Abbas, Asgari, Naser, Akhavan, Peyman, Ashena, Mostafa (2013), Developing social capital for facilitating knowledge management practices, International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 40, No. 9, pp. 826-844.
  62. Akhavan, Peyman, Ramezan, Majid, and Jafar Yazdi Moghaddam (2013), Examining the role of ethics in knowledge management process: Case study: an industrial organization, Journal of Knowledge-based Innovation in China, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 129 – 145.
  63. Akhavan, Peyman, Rahimi, Akbar, and Gholamhossein Mehralian, (2013) "Developing a model for knowledge sharing in research centers", Vine, The journal of information and knowledge management systems, 43, No. 3, pp. 357-393.
  64. Mehralian, Gholamhossein, Rasekh, Hamid Reza, Akhavan, Peyman, and Ali Rajabzadeh (2013), A framework for human capital indicators in knowledge- based industries: Evidence from pharmaceutical industry, Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 88-101.
  65. Jafari, Mostaf, Akhavan, Peyman, and Mohaddeseh Nikoukar (2013), Personal Knowledge Management and organization’s competency: a service organization case study, Education, Business and Society, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 181-194.
  66. Akhavan, Peyman and Amir Pezeshkan (2013), Developing a knowledge map driven framework for human resources strategy formulation: a knowledge based IT company case study in Iran, Journal of Knowledge-based Innovation in China, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 234-261.
  67. Akhavan, Peyman, Ramezan, Majid, Yazi, Jafar, and Gholamhossein Mehralian (2014), Exploring the relationship between ethics, knowledge creation and organizational performance, Vine: The journal of information and knowledge management systems, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 42-58.
  68. Akhavan, Peyman and Amir Pezeshkan (2014), Knowledge management critical failure factors: a multi-case study, Vine: The journal of information and knowledge management systems, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 22-41.
  69. Akhavan, Peyman, and Mohamd Reza Zahedi (2013), Critical success factors in knowledge management among project-based organizations: a multi-case analysis, The IUP journal of knowledge management, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 20-38.
  70. Akhavan, Peyman, Amiran, Heidar, and Akbar Rahimi(2013), Providing of the Motivational Model of Employee's Knowledge Sharing in the Manufacturing Companies Using of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), Journal of Industrial Management , 8, No. 23, pp. 17-34
  71. Akhavan, Peyman, and Jafar Yazdi Moghaddam (2013), Exploring the Twin role of Ethics and Knowledge Management on Organizational Performance, Iranian Journal of Ethics in Science and Technology, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 37-51.
  72. Sanjaghi, M. E. , Akhavan, Peyman and Hamed Ojaghi (2013), Designing an Interactive Model for Various Organizational Cultures and the Processes Involved in Knowledge Management, Journal of research in human resource management, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 23-42.
  73. Akhavan, Peyman and Majid F. Arefi (2014), Quality Development of Learning Objects: Comparison, Adaptation and Analysis of Learning Object Evaluation Frameworks for Online Courses, Journal of Information Technology and Application in Education, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp 57-66.
  74. Akhavan, Peyman, Sanjaghi, M. E. , Rezaeenoor, Jalal and Hamed Ojaghi (2014), Examining the relationships between organizational culture, knowledge management , and environmental responsiveness capability, Vine: The journal of information and knowledge management systems, Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 228-248.
  75. Jafari, Mostafa, Akhavan, Peyman, and Abbas Rafiee (2014), Technology transfer effectiveness in knowledge-based centers: providing a model based on knowledge management, International Journal of Scientific Knowledge, Computing and Information Technology, Vol. 4, No. 7, pp. 24-39.
  76. Sanjaghi, M. E. , Akhavan, Peyman, and Sobhan Najafi (2013), Fostering knowledge sharing behavior: The role of organizational culture and trust, International journal of the academy of Organizational behavior management, Vol. 2, No. 5, pp. 9-33.
  77. Akhavan, Peyman and Sima Salehi (2013), Critical factors of business intelligence, case of an IT-based company, World applied science journal, Vol. 22, No. 9, pp. 1344-1351.
  78. Akhavan, Peyman and Majid F. Arefi (2014), Developing a Conceptual Framework for Evaluation of E-Content of Virtual Courses: E-Learning Center of an Iranian University Case Study, Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 53-73.
  79. Mehralian, Gholamhossein, Nazari, Jamal, Akhavan, Peyman, Rasekh, Hamid Reza (2014), Exploring the Relationship between Knowledge Creation Process and Intellectual capital in pharmaceutical industry, The learning organization, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 258-273.
  80. Irani, Sajad Taghizadeh, Peyman Akhavan, Omolbanin Hosseinkhani, and Hamed Forouzandeh (2014), Investigating the Challenges Facing the Privatization Implementation in Iran and Providing a Model in the Form of Justice Shares for Its Promotion, International Journal of Management and Humanity Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 2539-2534.
  81. Akhavan, Peyman, Shekarchi, Ahmad, Abasaltian, Ali (2015), Studying The effective factors on holding cash funds in The organizations (a comparative study among different theories),  Applied Mathematics in Engineering, Management and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 273-279
  82. Ghane, Soheila and Peyman Akhavan (2014), A framework for determining and prioritizing relational capitals, The case of Iran e-business, International Journal of Commerce and Management, 24, No. 2, pp. 119-133, 2014
  83. Akhavan, Peyman, Zahedi, M. R., Dastyari, Akram, and ali Abasaltian (2014); The effect of organizational culture and leadership style on knowledge management in selected research organizations; International Journal of Scientific Management and Development; Vol. 2, No. 9, pp. 432-440.
  84. Akhavan, Peyman, Zahedi, Mohammad, and Hosein Hoseini (2014), A conceptual framework to address barriers to knowledge management in project-based organization, Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 98-119.
  85. Mahdavi, Mohammad, Akhavan, Peyman, Jafari, Mostafa, and Jalal Mousavi (2014), A supply chain framework for knowledge creation in new product development, Applied mathematics in engineering, Management and Technology, pp. 626-640.
  86. Akhavan, Peyman, Behin Elahi, and Mostafa Jafari (2014), A new integrated knowledge model in supplier selection, Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues, Vol. 7, No. 4 pp. 333 -368
  87. Akhavan, Peyman and Mahdi Hosseini (2015), Determinants of Knowledge Sharing in Knowledge Networks: A Social Capital Perspective , The IUP journal of knowledge management, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 7-24.
  88. Akhavan, Peyman; Hosseini, S. Mahdi; Abbasi, Morteza; Manteghi, Manuchehr (2015), Knowledge-sharing determinants, behaviors, and innovative work behaviors: An integrated theoretical view and empirical examination, Aslib Journal of Information Management, Vol. 67, No. 5, pp. 562-591
  89. Akhavan, Peyman; Hosseini, S. Mahdi (2016), Social capital, knowledge sharing and innovation capability: An empirical study of R&D teams in Iran, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management , Vol. 28, No. 1, 96–113.
  90. Akhavan, Peyman; Hosseini, S. Mahdi (2015), Examining the Effects of Motivational and Organizational Determinants on Knowledge-sharing Behavior (Case Study in an Industrial Research and Development Center), Iranian journal of information processing and management Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 1051-1084.
  91. Jafari, Asghar, Akhavan, Peyman, Nateghi, Emad and Maryam Philsoophian (2015), An Investigation of the Impact of Organizational Justice on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in a Non-Profit Organization, International Journal of Management Academy, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp.  1-12.
  92. Akhavan , Peyman , Saeid Samiee, Mahdi Abasaltian, Ehsan Samimi & Ali Abasalt (2015), The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Four Dimensions of knowledge Conversion in Selected Industrial Organizational, Modern Applied Science, Vol. 9, No. 12, pp. 134-142.
  93. Yazdi, Jafar, Akhavan, Peyman and Gholamhossein Mehralian (2015), Intellectual capital, ethical climate and organizational performance: an interaction analysis, Int. J. Learning and Intellectual Capital, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 232-250.
  94. Akhavan, Peyman, Barak, Sasan, Maghsoudlou, Hamidreza and Jurgita Antucheviciene (2015), FQSPM-SWOT for strategic alliance planning and partner selection; case study in a holding car manufacturing company, Technological and economic development of economy, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 165-185.
  95. Akhavan, Peyman, Babaeianpou, Marzieh, and Masoumeh Mirjafari (2015), Identifying the success factors of communities of practice (CoPs): How do they affect on students to create knowledge, Vine, Journal of information and knowledge management systems, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 198-213.
  96. Akhavan, Peyman and Ali Shahabipour (2014), Impact of Implementing Knowledge Management Project on Organizational Culture: Case Study in a Medical University, International Journal of Management Academy, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 16-25.
  97. Akhavan, Peyman and Ali Shahabipour (2014), Impact of Implementing Knowledge Management Project on Organizational Culture: Case Study in a Medical University, International Journal of Management Academy, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 27-36.
  98. Akhavan, Peyman and Ali Shahabipour (2014), Factors Affecting the Acquisition of Expert Tacit Knowledge Case Study: Delivery Time in Twin Pregnancy in Twin Pregnancy, International Journal of Management Academy, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 16-25.
  99. Jafari, Mostafa, Akhavan, Peyman, and Abbas Rafiei (2014), Comparative study of factors affecting successful technology transfer in knowledge-based organizations and manufacturing industries: a knowledge management approach, International Journal of Research in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 81-103.
  100. Jassbi, Abdollah, Jassbi, Javad, Akhavan, Peyman, Mei-Tai Chu, and Morteza Piri , (2015),"An empirical investigation for alignment of communities of practice with organization using fuzzy Delphi panel", VINE, : The journal of information and knowledge management systems, Vol. 45, No. 3, pp. 322 – 343
  101. Akhavan, Peyman and Maryam Dehghani (2015), Knowledge acquisition technique selection: a comparative study, The IUP Journal of knowledge management, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 17-30.
  102. Rafieepour, Elnaz, Masjedi, Shohreh, and Peyman Akhavan (2015), Exploring the Relationship between Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital: An Iranian University Case Study, International Journal of Management Academy, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 7-15.
  103. Akhavan, Peyman Maryam Dehghani (2015), Exploring the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Behavior and Tacit knowledge Sharing, International Journal of Management Academy, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 25-33.
  104. Rafiei, Abbas, Akhavan, Peyman and Saeed Hayati , (2016) "Knowledge management in successful technology transfer (Case study: Iranian aerospace industries and knowledge-based centers)", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal, Vol. 88, No: 1, pp.178 – 188
  105. Akhavan , Peyman , Mahdi Hosseini , Morteza Abbasi , (2016) "Selecting new product development team members with knowledge sharing approach: A fuzzy bi-objective optimization model", Program, Vol. 50 Iss: 2, pp.195 – 214
  106. Jahani ,Alireza, Peyman Akhavan, Mostafa Jafari, Mohammad Fathian , (2016),"Conceptual model for knowledge discovery process in databases based on multi-agent system", VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, Vol. 46 Iss 2 pp. 207 – 231
  107. Akhavan, Peyman , Maryam Dehghani , Amir Rajabpour , Amir Pezeshkan , (2016) "An investigation of the effect of extroverted and introverted personalities on knowledge acquisition techniques", VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, Vol. 46 Iss: 2, pp.194 – 206
  108. Akhavan, Peyman and Farnoosh Khosravian (2016), Case study of a structural model to explore the effects of knowledge sharing on intellectual capital, VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, Vol. 46 Iss 3 pp.338-352.
  109. Philsoophian, Maryam, Akhavan, Peyman, Ghorbani, Saeid, and Yasha Afshar (2016), The Dephi method for selection of KM strategies based on the level of KM maturity: A case of OICO in Iran, IUP journal of knowledge management, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 7-17.
  110. Tavakoli, Gholam Reza, Manouchehr Manteghi, Peyman Akhavan and Alireza Haji Akhondi (2016), Developing Effective Strategy Using SWOT Method and Fuzzy Dematel, International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research, Vol. 7, No. 5, pp. 1350-1362.
  111. Akhavan, Peyman, Philsoophian, Maryam, Karimi, M. H. (2017), Developing a knowledge management strategy model based on maturity level: A Fuzzy delfi approach, Iranian journal of information processing and management, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 397-420.
  112. Dehghani , Maryam , Peyman Akhavan, (2017) "An experimental investigation of knowledge acquisition techniques", Journal of Management Development, Vol. 36, Issue: 4, pp. 493-514
  113. Akhavan, Peyman and Mahdi Hosseini (2017)A model for project team formation in complex engineering projects under uncertainty: A knowledge-sharing approach",  Kybernetes, Vol. 46 Issue:7,  1131-1157
  114. Hosseini, Mahdi, Peyman Akhavan, Morteza Abbasi, (2017) "A knowledge sharing approach for R & D project team formation", VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, Vol. 47 Issue: 2, pp.154-171
  115. Jafari, Mostafa, Akhavan, Peyman and Omid Hasannejad (2015), Presenting a conceptual framework for cooperation between knowledge sharing challenges and solutions within project life cycle in the project oriented organizations (Case study: Sazeh Pardazi Iran Consulting Eng. Co.), International journal of industrial engineering & production management, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 499-523.
  116. Akhavan, Peyman, Masoumeh Nabizadeh, Lila Rajabion (2017), Introducing knowledge management pattern at national level applying grounded theory method and fuzzy dematel, VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, Vol. 47 Issue: 3, pp.372-394.
  117. Eydelkhani, Yasaman, Akhavan, Peyman, and Reza Hosnavi (2016), A model of knowledge management process impact on resistive economy in Islamic Republic of Iran Ansar Bank case study, Journal of emergency management, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 65-76.
  118. Akhavan, Peyman and Sanaz Imani (2016), Review and Determination of the Factors Influencing Knowledge Sharing Using Grounded Theory and Techniques Using Dematel-ISM Fuzzy, Iranian Journal of information processing and management, Vo. 32, No. 1, pp. 93-122.
  119. Philsoophian, Maryam, and Akhavan (2017), The Effect of Knowledge Sharing Behavior on Organizational Performance, Iranian journal of information processing and management, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 713-730.
  120. Akhavan, Peyman and Maryam Philsoophian (2018), Designing an expert fuzzy system to select the appropriate knowledge management strategy in accordance with APO model and Bloodgood KM strategies: a case study, VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 277-293
  121. Khanmirzaee, Sama, Mostafa Jafari, Peyman Akhavan (2017), A study on the role of science and technology parks in development of knowledge-based economy, World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 14 Issue: 1, pp.74-85.
  122. Sarraf, Sara, Peyman Akhavan, Zeinolabedin Amini Sabegh (2018), Designing the model to demonstrate the impact of human development index (hdi) on knowledge management (Case study: Telecom Industry), International Journal on Recent Trends in Business and Tourism, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1-9.
  123. Akhavan, Peyman, Ali Shahabipour, Reza Hosnavi (2017),How Supplier Knowledge Impacts on Organizational Capabilities and Willingness, VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp.140-158.
  124. Akhavan, Peyman, Ali Shahabipour, Reza Hosnavi, (2018) A model for assessment of uncertainty in tacit knowledge acquisition, Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp.413-431
  125. Akhavan, Peyman, Khosro Sepehr Tamaddoni, Parisa Roshanpanah Azali (2015), Prioritization of the factors influencing electronic government services application: a fuzzy topsis approach, International journal of academic research, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 122-131.
  126. Akhavan, Peyman and Philsoophian, Maryam (2018), How to Increase Knowledge Management Maturity Level? – An Empirical Study in a Non-Profit Organization, , IUP journal of knowledge management, Vol. XVI, No. 3, July 2018, pp. 44-53.
  127. Akhavan, Peyman, Khodabandeh, Mehdi, Mohammad Zahedi and Lila Rajabion (2019), Extracting and prioritizing Knowledge Risk Components by considering the Knowledge Map: Case Study of Industrial Organization, Vine, Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp.200-212.
  128. Akhavan, Peyman, Philsoophian, Maryam, and M.H. Karimi (2019), Selection and prioritization of knowledge management strategies as proportionate with organizations” level of maturity using fuzzy TOPSIS approach, Vine, Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, Vol. 49, No. 3, pp.397-419
  129. Akhavan, Peyman, Shahabipour, Ali and and Reza Hosnavi (2018), A Model to Optimize Knowledge Flow in Team Working, Journal of Organisational Studies and Innovation, Vol. 5, No.1, pp. 1-10.
  130. Khanmirzaee, Sama, Mostafa Jafari, Peyman Akhavan (2021), Analyzing the competitive advantage’s criteria of science and technology parks and incubators using DEMATEL approach, Journal of the knowledge economy, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13132-021-00802-0.
  131. Philsoophian, Maryam, Akhavan, Peyman, and Morteza Namvar (2021), The Mediating Role of Blockchain Technology in Improvement of Knowledge Sharing for Supply Chain Management, Management Decision, https://doi.org/10.1108/MD-08-2020-1122.
  132. Azizi, Neda, Heliyeh Malekzadeh, Peyman Akhavan, Omid Haass, Shahrzad Saremi, and Seyedali Mirjalili. (2021), IoT–Blockchain: Harnessing the Power of Internet of Thing and Blockchain for Smart Supply Chain, Sensors, Vol. 21, No. 18, https://doi.org/10.3390/s21186048

    1. Philsoophian, Maryam, Akhavan, Peyman, amd Morteza Abbasi (2021), Strategic Alliance for Resilience in Supply Chain: A Bibliometric Analysis, Sustainability, https://doi.org/10.3390/su132212715.