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اعضای هیئت علمی

اعضای هیئت علمی

Ehsan Heydarian Forushani


جمعه دوم مهر 1400 ساعت 12:51 ق ظ - توسط : احسان حيدريان فروشاني

Dr. Ehsan Heydarian-Forushani
Assistant Professor (Sep. 2021 - Current)
ِDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Qom University of Technology (QUT)

Research Interests
  • Power System Operation and Planning
  • Electricity Market and Power System Economics
  • Demand Side Management and Demand Response
  • Smart Grids
  • Renewable Energy Resources
  • Power System Optimization

Contact Information  
University E-mail heydarian@qut.ac.ir
Personal E-mail heydarian.ehsan1@yahoo.com
Office Phone -
Google Scholar  https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ZSQkDlgAAAAJ&hl=en
LinkedIn    www.linkedin.com/in/ehsan-heydarian-88449a8b/
Scopus  www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55364488300

جمعه دوم مهر 1400 ساعت 12:25 ق ظ - توسط : احسان حيدريان فروشاني

Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan, Iran.
Thesis: Integrated scheduling of supply-side and demand-side resources in order to achieve flexibility in systems with high penetration of wind power
Supervisor: Prof. Mohamad Esmail Hamedani-Golshan
Advisor: Prof. Mohsen Parsa Moghaddam

Oct. 2013 – Sep. 2017

Visiting Researcher in University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy under supervision of Prof. Pierluigi Siano.

Sep. 2016 – March 2017

M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University (TMU), Tehran, Iran.
Thesis: Risk management in operation of wind farms using demand response resources
Supervisor: Prof. Mohsen Parsa Moghaddam
Advisor: Dr. Mohammad Kazem Sheikh-El-Eslami

Oct. 2011 - June 2013

B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan, Iran.

Oct. 2007 - Sept. 2011

  Professional Experiences

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Aix-Marseille University (AMU) – Laboratory of Information & Systems (LIS-UMR CNRS 7020), Marseille, France.
I was working as a member of AMU team on the 7.2 million-euro VPP4ISLANDS (“Virtual Power Plant for Interoperable and Smart isLANDS”) project in the framework of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program.

Feb. 2021 – Jan. 2022

Esfahan Electricity Power Distribution Company (EEPDC)
I was working as an smart electricity meter expert. My main responsibilities were monitoring and control of smart meters, evaluating the communication status of smart meters, metering data management, and fraud detection. I was also a member of Research and Development (R&D) committee of EEPDC during April 2020 to January 2021.

April. 2018 – Jan. 2021

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan, Iran. The Project title was “Flexibility-based Generation Scheduling in the Presence of Renewable Energy Resources” that was supported financially by Iran National Science Foundation under supervision of Prof. Mohamad Esmail Hamedani-Golshan.

Nov. 2018 – Dec. 2019
Part-time University Lecturer
I was a part-time lecturer at both graduate and under graduate levels at several universities such as Qom University of Technology, Islamic Azad University of Dolat Abad branch, Islamic Azad University of Garmsar branch, Islamic Azad University of Lenjan branch, Islamic Azad University of Borujen branch, Naghsh Jahan Higher Education Institute, Entekhab University of Applied Science, Isfahan Higher Education Institute, Mohajer University of Applied Science.

 Feb. 2014 – June 2021

جمعه دوم مهر 1400 ساعت 12:19 ق ظ - توسط : احسان حيدريان فروشاني


Publications (Book Editor)

E. Heydarian-Forushani, H.H. Alhelou, S.B. Elghali, "Virtual Power Plant Solution for Future Smart Energy Communities", CRC Press (TAYLOR & FRANCIS Group), Boca Raton, Florida, USA, ISBN: 9781003257202, July 2022.  [B2]
H. Alhelou, E. Heydarian-Forushani, P. Siano, “Flexibility in electric power distribution networks”, CRC Press (TAYLOR & FRANCIS Group), Boca Raton, Florida, USA, ISBN: 9780367641412, July 2021.  [B1]


Publications (Book Chapters)

E. Heydarian-Forushani, S. B. Elghali, “A Comprehensive Smart Energy Management Strategy for TVPP, CVPP, and Energy Communities,” in: Virtual Power Plant Solution for Future Smart Energy Communities, CRC Press (TAYLOR & FRANCIS Group), Boca Raton, Florida, USA, ISBN: 9781003257202, July 2022. [B4]
N.G. Paterakis, O. Erdinc, M. Shafie-khah, E. Heydarian-Forushani, “Reserves and demand response coping with renewables uncertainty,” in: Smart and Sustainable Power Systems: Operations, Planning and Economics of Insular Electricity Grids, CRC Press (TAYLOR & FRANCIS Group), Boca Raton, Florida, USA, ISBN: 9781498712125, June 2015. [B3]
E. Heydarian-Forushani, M.E.H Golshan, M. Shafie-khah, J.P.S. Catalão, "Optimal behavior of DR aggregators in providing balancing and ancillary services in renewable-based power systems", in: Technological Innovation for Cloud-based Engineering Systems, SPRINGER, Heidelberg, Germany, April 2015. [B2]
E. Heydarian-Forushani, M. Shafie-Khah, M.Y. Damavandi, J.P.S. Catalão, " Optimal participation of DR aggregators in day-ahead energy and demand response exchange markets", in: Technological Innovation for Collective Awareness Systems, Eds. L.M. Camarinha-Matos, N.S. Barrento, R. Mendonça, IFIP AICT 423, SPRINGER, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 353-360, April 2014. [B1]


(Journal articles)

W. Nafkha-Tayari, S. Ben Elghali, E. Heydarian-Forushani, M. Benbouzid, "Virtual Power Plants Optimization Issue: A Comprehensive Review on Methods, Solutions, and Prospects," Energies, vol. 15, no. 10, p.3607, 2022. [J27]
H. Besharatifard, S. Hasanzadeh, E. Heydarian-Forushani, S.M. Muyeen, "Acoustic Based Localization of Partial Discharge inside Oil-Filled Transformers," IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp.55288-55297, 2022. [J26]
S. Hasanzadeh, H. Shojaeian, M.M. Mohsenzadeh, E. Heydarian-Forushani, H.H. Alhelou,  P. Siano, "Power Quality Enhancement of the Distribution Network by Multilevel STATCOM-Compensated Based on Improved One-Cycle Controller," IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp.50578-50588, 2022. [J25]
A.A. Alhendi, A.S. Al-Sumaiti, F.K. Elmay, J. Wescaot, A. Kavousi-Fard, E. Heydarian-Forushani, H.H. Alhelou, "Artificial intelligence for water–energy nexus demand forecasting: a review," International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, vol. 17, pp.730-744, 2022. [J24]
H. Besharatifard, S. Hasanzadeh, E. Heydarian-Forushani, H. H. Alhelou, P. Siano, "Detection and Analysis of Partial Discharges in Oil-Immersed Power Transformers Using Low-Cost Acoustic Sensors", Applied Sciences, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 3010, 2022. [J23]
A. Mallahi, A. Abdollahi, M. Rashidinejad, E. Heydarian-Forushani, A. S. Al-Sumaiti, "An Investigation on the Impacts of Low Probability and High Intensity Events on Wind Power Generator's Market Participation", IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 18093-18104, 2022. [J22]
J.L. Angarita, H. Jafari, M. Mohseni, A.S. Al‐Sumaiti, E. Heydarian‐Forushani, R. Kumar, "Optimal investment and operation of a microgrid to provide electricity and heat", IET Renewable Power Generation, pp. 1-10, 2021. [J21]
E. Heydarian-Forushani, M.E.H. Golshan, M. Shafie-khah, J.P.S. Catalão, "A comprehensive linear model for demand response optimization problem", Energy (Elsevier), vol. 209, pp. 1-13, 2020. [J20]
M. Dadkhah, B. Fani, E. Heydarian-Forushani, M. Mohtaj, “An Off-Line Algorithm for Fuse-Recloser Coordination in Distribution Networks with PV Resources”, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems (Wiley), vol. 30, No. 9, 2020. [J19]
E. Heydarian-Forushani, M.E.H. Golshan, “Quantitative flexibility assessment of a comprehensive set of demand response programs”, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (Elsevier), vol. 116, pp. 1-10, 2020. [J18]
A.S. Gazafroudi, M. Shafie-khah, E. Heydarian-Forushani, A. Hajizadeh, A. Heidari, J.M. Corchado, J.P.S. Catalão, "Two-stage stochastic model for the price-based domestic energy management problem", International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (Elsevier), vol. 112, pp. 404-416, 2019. [J17]
E. Abbaspour, B. Fani, E. Heydarian-Forushani, “A Bi-Level Multi Agent Based Protection Scheme for Distribution Networks with Distributed Generation,” International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, (Elsevier), vol. 112, pp. 209-220, 2019. [J16]
H. Alhelou, M.E.H. Golshan, R. Zamani, E. Heydarian-Forushani, P. Siano, “Challenges and Opportunities of Load Frequency Control in Conventional, Modern and Future Smart Power Systems: A Comprehensive Review,” Energies, vol. 11, No. 10, 2018. [J15]
E. Heydarian-Forushani, M.E.H. Golshan, P. Siano, “Evaluating the Operational Flexibility of Generation Mixture with an Innovative Techno-Economic Measure, “IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 2205-2218, 2018. [J14]
E. Heydarian-Forushani, M.E.H. Golshan, P. Siano, M. Shafie-khah, "Optimal Operation of Emerging Flexible Resources Considering Sub-hourly Flexible Ramp Product,” IEEE Transaction on Sustainable Energy, vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 916-929, 2018. [J13]
M. Di Somma, G. Graditi, E. Heydarian-Forushani, M. Shafie-khah, P. Siano, "Stochastic optimal scheduling of distributed energy resources with renewables considering economic and environmental aspects, "Renewable Energy (Elsevier), vol. 116, pp. 272-287, 2018. [J12]
E. Heydarian-Forushani, M.E.H. Golshan, P. Siano, “Evaluating the benefits of coordinated emerging flexible resources in electricity markets,” Applied Energy, vol. 199, pp.142-154, 2017. [J11]
N. Mahmoudi, E. Heydarian-Forushani, M. Shafie-khah, T. K. Saha, M.E.H. Golshan, P. Siano, “A bottom-up approach for demand response aggregators’ participation in electricity markets”, Electric Power System Research (Elsevier), Vol. 143, pp. 121-129, 2017. [J10]
E. Heydarian-Forushani, H. Aalami, “Multi Objective Scheduling of Utility-scale Energy Storages and Demand Response Programs Portfolio for Grid Integration of Wind Power,” Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering, vol. 4, no. 2, pp.104-116, 2016. [J9]
E. Heydarian-Forushani, M.E.H. Golshan, M. Shafie-khah, "Flexible interaction of plug-in electric vehicle parking lots for efficient wind integration", Applied Energy (Elsevier), Vol. 179, pp. 338-349, 2016. [J8]
M. Shafie-khah, E. Heydarian-Forushani, G.J. Osório, F.A.S. Gil, J. Aghaei, M. Barani, J.P.S. Catalão, "Optimal behavior of electric vehicle parking lots as demand response aggregation agents", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 2654-2665, 2016. [J7]
M. Shafie-khah, E. Heydarian-Forushani, M. E. H. Golshan, P. Siano, M.P. Moghaddam, M.K. Sheikh-El-Eslami, J.P.S. Catalão, "Optimal trading of plug-in electric vehicle aggregation agents in a market environment for sustainability",  Applied Energy (Elsevier), Vol. 162, pp. 601-612, January 2016. [J6]
E. Heydarian-Forushani, M.E.H. Golshan, M.P. Moghaddam, M. Shafie-khah, J.P.S. Catalão, "Robust scheduling of variable wind generation by coordination of bulk energy storages and demand response", Energy Conversion and Management (Elsevier), Vol. 106, pp. 941-950, December 2015. [J5]
M. Shafie-khah, E. Heydarian-Forushani, M.E.H. Golshan, M.P. Moghaddam, M.K. Sheikh-El-Eslami, J.P.S. Catalão," Strategic offering for a price-maker wind power producer in oligopoly markets considering demand response exchange", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 1542-1553, December 2015. [J4]
E. Heydarian-Forushani, M.E.H. Golshan, M. Shafie-khah, "Flexible security-constrained scheduling of wind power enabling time of use pricing scheme", Energy (Elsevier), Vol. 90, pp. 1887-1900, 2015. [J3]
E. Heydarian-Forushani, M. P. Moghaddam, M.K. Sheikh-El-Eslami, M. Shafie-khah, and J. P. S. Catalão. "A stochastic framework for the grid integration of wind power using flexible load approach." Energy Conversion and Management (Elsevier), Vol. 88, pp. 985-998, 2014. [J2]
E. Heydarian-Forushani, M.P. Moghaddam, M.K. Sheikh-El-Eslami, M. Shafie-khah, J.P.S. Catalão, "Risk constrained offering strategy of wind power producers considering intraday demand response exchange", IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 1036-1047, 2014. [J1]


(Conference papers)

E. Heydarian-Forushani, S. Ben Elghali, M. Zerrougui, M. La Scala, P. Mestre, “A centralized-stochastic solution for smart energy management in a virtual power plant”, 21th IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 5th IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe — EEEIC 2021 / I&CPS Europe 2021, Bari, Italy, 7-10 September, 2021. [C31]
M. Moradijoz, J. Heidari, E. Heydarian-Forushani, S. Ben Elghali, “A two-layer model for optimal charging scheduling of electric vehicle parking lots in distribution network”, IEEE CPE- POWERENG 2021, Florence, Italy, 14-16 July, 2021. [C30]
M.R. Esmaili, E. Heydarian-Forushani, A.S. Al-Sumaiti, H.H. Alhelou “A comprehensive multi-objective design for optimal load restoration”, 46th IEEE Annual Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society — IECON 2020, Singapore, October 18-21, 2020. [C29]
R. Gupta, S. Choudhary, O.P. Mahela, A.R. Garg, B. Khan, H.H. Alhelou, E. Heydarian-Forushani, A.S. Al-Sumaiti, “Combined Stockwell and Hilbert Transforms Based Technique for the Detection of Islanding Events in Hybrid Power System”, 46th IEEE Annual Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society — IECON 2020, Singapore, October 18-21, 2020. [C28]
G.S. Chawda, O.P. Mahelam, B. Khan, H.H. Alhelou, E. Heydarian-Forushani, A.S. Al-Sumaiti, “Performance Evaluation of Second Order Generalized Integrator-Quadrature Algorithm for DSTATCOM in Non-ideal Grid”, 46th IEEE Annual Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society — IECON 2020, Singapore, October 18-21, 2020. [C27]
M. Mohseni, M. Abedi, H. Jafari, E. Heydarian-Forushani, A.S. Al-Sumaiti, “Optimal Power and Heat Scheduling of Microgrids under Renewable Generation Uncertainties”, 2nd International Conference on Smart Power & Internet Energy Systems — SPIES 2020, Thailand, September 15-18, 2020. [C26]
M.R. Esmaili, A. Khodabakhshian, E. Heydarian-Forushani, M. Shafie-khah, H. Hafezi, R. Faranda, J.P.S. Catalão, “Multi-objective model for allocation of gas turbines with the aim of black-start capability enhancement in smart grids”, 9th IEEE PES International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies — ISGT Europe 2019, Bucharest, Romania, USB flash drive, 29 September - 2 October, 2019. [C25]
S. A. Alhashmi, A. S. Al-Sumaiti, M. W. Hassan, M. B. Rasheed, S. R. R. Rodriguez, R. Kumar, E. Heydarian-Forushani, “Building Energy Management System: An Overview of Recent Literature Research,” Advances in Science and Engineering Technology International Conferences (ASET), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, March, 2019. [C24]
H. H. Alhelou, M. E. H. Golshan, E. Heydarian-Forushani, A. S. Al-Sumaiti, P. Siano, “Decentralized Fractional Order Control Scheme for LFC of Deregulated Nonlinear Power Systems in Presence of EVs and RER”, International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies — SEST 2018, Sevilla, Spain, 10-12 September, 2018. [C23]
E. Heydarian-Forushani, M. E. H. Golshan, P. Siano, “Market Transactions of PEV Parking Lots in the Presence of Wind Generation”, IEEE International Conference on Environmental and Electrical Engineering— EEEIC 2017, Milan, Italy, 6-9 June, 2017. [C22]
M. Shafie-khah, P. Siano, D. Z. Fitiwi, S. F. Santos, J. P. S. Catalao, E. Heydarian-Forushani, “Regulatory support of wind power producers against strategic and collusive behavior of conventional thermal units”, 13th International Conference on the European Energy Market — EEM 2016, Porto, Portugal, 6-9 June, 2016. [C21]
M. Shafie-khah, D.Z. Fitiwi, J.P.S. Catalão, E. Heydarian-Forushani, M.E.H. Golshan, "Simultaneous participation of demand response aggregators in ancillary services and demand response exchange markets", IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference & Exposition — T&D 2016, Dallas, Texas, USA, 2-5 May, 2016. [C20]
E. Heydarian-Forushani, M.E.H. Golshan, M. Shafie-khah, J.P.S. Catalão, "Impacts of stochastic demand response resource scheduling on large scale wind power integration", 25th Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference — AUPEC 2015, Wollongong, Australia, September 27-30, 2015. [C19]
E. Heydarian-Forushani, M.E.H. Golshan, M. Shafie-khah, J.P.S. Catalão, "Optimal coordination of battery energy storages and demand response programs with application to wind integration", IEEE International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering — SEGE’15, Oshawa, Canada, August 17-19, 2015. [C18]
M. Shafie-khah, A.A.S. de la Nieta, J.P.S. Catalão, E. Heydarian-Forushani, "Optimal self-scheduling of a wind power producer in energy and ancillary services markets using a multi-stage stochastic programming", Smart Grid Conference (SGC), Tehran, Iran, December 9-10, 2014. [C17]
E. Heydarian-Forushani, M.P. Moghaddam, M.K. Sheikh-El-Eslami, M. Shafie-khah, J.P.S. Catalão, "Investigating the effects of flexible load in the grid integration of wind power", 50th IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition Conference — T&D 2014, Chicago, USA. [C16]
E. Heydarian-Forushani, M.P. Moghaddam, M.K. Sheikh-El-Eslami, A. Parsafar, “ A Stochastic Reliability-based Approach for Reserve Provision in Systems with High Wind Power Penetration”, 28th International Power System Conference (PSC), Tehran, Iran, Nov. 4-6, 2013 [C15]
E. Heydarian-Forushani, M. Kalantar, A. Parsafar, “Wind-Thermal Economic and Environmental Scheduling Incorporating Demand Response”, Smart Grid Conference (SGC), Tehran, Iran, Dec. 17-18, 2013. [C14]
M. Shafie-khah, J.P.S. Catalão, M.P. Moghaddam, M.K. Sheikh-El-Eslami, E. Heydarian-Forushani, "Optimal behavior of PIEV aggregator by participating in intraday demand response exchange markets", 4th IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe Conference — ISGT Europe 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 6-9, 2013. [C13]
E. Heydarian-Forushani, M. Parsa Moghaddam and M. K. Sheikh-El-Eslami,” A Comprehensive Load Reduction Demand Response Program for Spinning Reserve Provision”, 21st Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE 2013), Mashhad, Iran, 14-16 May, 2013. [C12]
E. Heydarian-Forushani, M. Parsa Moghaddam and M. K. Sheikh-El-Eslami, “Stochastic Demand Response Scheduling in Systems with High Penetration of Wind Power”, 3rd Iranian Conference on Renewable Energy and Distributed Generation (ICREDG 2013), Esfahan, Iran, 10-11 April, 2013. [C11]
E. Heydarian-Forushani, M. Parsa Moghaddam and M. K. Sheikh-El-Eslami and M. H. Amini, “Wind Power Producer Trading Framework Using Demand Response Resources”, 3rd Iranian Conference on Renewable Energy and Distributed Generation (ICREDG 2013), Esfahan, Iran, 10-11 April, 2013. [C10]
M. H. Amini, M. Parsa Moghaddam, E. Heydarian-Forushani, “Forecasting the PEV Owner Reaction to the Electricity Price Based on the Customer Acceptance Index”, Smart Electric Grids Technology (SEGT 2012), Tehran, Iran, 18-19 December, 2012. [C9]
E. Heydarian-Forushani, H. R. Arasteh, M. Parsa Moghaddam, “Optimum retailer operation considering parking lots participation in electricity market”, Smart Grids (ICSG), 2012 2nd Iranian Conference, 24-25 May, 2012. [C8]
E. Heydarian-Forushani, S. M. Hashemi, MR. Haghifam, “ Multi objective distribution network design determining optimum number and capacity of low voltage transformers”, 18st Electric Power Distribution Conference (EPDC 2013), Kermanshah, Iran, 30April-1May, 2013: in Farsi. [C7]
S. M. Hashemi, E. Heydarian-Forushani, MR. Haghifam, “ A novel approach for distribution network design determining optimal low voltage substation capacities”, 1st Regional CIRED Conference, Tehran, Iran, 16-17 January, 2013: in Farsi. [C6]
E. Heydarian-Forushani, H. R. Arasteh, M. Parsa Moghaddam, “Optimum retailer operation in electricity market considering vehicle-to-grid and responsive load concepts”, 27th International Power System Conference (PSC), Tehran, Iran, 13-15 November, 2012: in Farsi. [C5]
E. Heydarian-Forushani, M. H. Amini, M. Parsa Moghaddam, “ Operation scheduling of distributed energy resources from the retailer point of view”, 15th Iranian Students Conference on Electrical Engineering (ISCEE), Kashan, Iran, 6-7 September, 2012: in Farsi. [C4]
E. Heydarian-Forushani, M. Parsa Moghaddam, “Charging curve forecasting of vehicle-to-grids considering usage pattern of various society groups”, 15th Iranian Students Conference on Electrical Engineering (ISCEE), Kashan, Iran, 6-7 September, 2012: in Farsi. [C3]
M. H. Amini, E. Heydarian-Forushani, S. Amani, M. Parsa Moghaddam, “ Reliability and economic evaluation of combined operation of wind and solar generations on power system”, 2rd Iranian Conference on Renewable Energy and Distributed Generation (ICREDG 2012), Tehran, Iran, 8-9 March, 2012: in Farsi. [C2]
E. Heydarian-Forushani, M. Parsa Moghaddam, M. H. Amini, “A demand side management based charging strategy for electric vehicles”, 3rd Electrical Energy Consumption Optimization (EECO 2012), Ahvaz, Iran, 23-24 February, 2012: in Farsi. [C1]

جمعه دوم مهر 1400 ساعت 12:18 ق ظ - توسط : احسان حيدريان فروشاني

  Research and Industrial Projects
Title: "Smart meter’s data analysis software to ensure the accurate operation of measuring equipment"
Done in: Esfahan Electricity Power Distribution Company (EEPDC), Esfahan, Iran
Sponsored by: Esfahan Electricity Power Distribution Company (EEPDC), Esfahan, Iran
My role: Technical Examiner
May. 2020 – Jan. 2021
Title: "Executive procedure to increase the participation of commercial and domestic customers in load management through DR aggregators"
Done in: Niroo Research Institute (NRI), Tehran, Iran
Sponsored by: Tavanir Company
My role: Researcher
Mar. 2019 – Mar. 2020
Title: "Evaluating the CT measurement error of large customers and its effect on energy calculations and bill cost"
Done in: Esfahan Electricity Power Distribution Company (EEPDC), Esfahan, Iran
Sponsored by: Esfahan Electricity Power Distribution Company (EEPDC), Esfahan, Iran
My role: Technical Examiner
Apr. 2018 – Apr. 2020

  Honors and Awards
The best doctoral dissertation award from Isfahan University of Technology (IUT). 2017
The Iran National Elites Foundation scholarship as an exceptionally talented student for two consecutive years during PhD. 2015 - 2016
Ranked 2nd among graduate B.Sc. students in Electrical Engineering in Isfahan University of Technology (Power Group).  2011

جمعه دوم مهر 1400 ساعت 12:17 ق ظ - توسط : احسان حيدريان فروشاني

Graduate Courses

  • Power System Operation and Control
  • Electricity Market
  • Electric Distribution Networks
  • Reactive Power Control
Undergraduate Courses

  • Power System Analysis I & II
  • Power Electronics